Many companies and organizations in the Netherlands face the significant challenge of maintaining cash flow and liquidity due to the Coronavirus. According to Payt director Sander Kamstra, they will not face this challenge alone in the coming period. Kamstra, who is not only a director but also an expert in credit management, shares his perspective on the situation. Moreover, he explains how Payt provides ‘financial’ assistance to all entrepreneurs in the Netherlands.
“We are, to put it mildly, in a difficult period. Most companies are severely affected by the measures taken due to the Coronavirus. It is probably best for everyone, although I cannot follow all the measures. But well, that doesn’t matter because we have to get through it together,” says Kamstra.
Maintaining cash flow and liquidity
“Additionally, many companies and organizations face perhaps the greatest challenge ever in terms of maintaining cash flow and liquidity. These two must remain above par to pay employees, rent, and suppliers, and that is certainly not an easy task in this situation. Fortunately, the government has pulled out all the stops to help businesses as much as possible during the Coronavirus crisis.”
To help with this, we are now focusing with Payt on sharing knowledge in the field of credit management and debtor software.
– Sander Kamstra, director of Payt.
Knowledge sharing on credit management and debtor software
Kamstra continues: “Although I do not understand the usefulness of all the measures taken, I do understand that many companies and organizations do not want to reorganize their business processes differently during this period. The focus is – and must be – on maintaining cash flow and improving liquidity. To help with this, we are now focusing on sharing knowledge in the field of credit management and debtor software. We do this in the form of an online advisory meeting. Moreover, we offer all entrepreneurs in the Netherlands the opportunity to use Payt for free for the first month.”
We are going to help you
During this advisory meeting, one of our experts explains how you can use Payt’s software to maintain cash flow and liquidity as well as possible during this period. Furthermore, we also explain:
- How Payt ensures faster payment of invoices and reduces the number of outstanding items.
- How to correctly record and efficiently follow up on payment agreements.
- How Payt makes debtor management more effective and easier for you and your debtors.
This online advisory meeting lasts about 30 minutes. If you do not need a meeting but still want to implement Payt, take advantage of the opportunity to use our software without obligation.
Kamstra: “Finally, I wish all entrepreneurs in the Netherlands a lot of success. Hopefully, everyone stays healthy and able to keep the business afloat.”