Prevent bad business debtors through credit ratings
In collaboration with Graydon, we help by providing more insight into the creditworthiness of your business debtors
In addition to structured follow up of your outstanding invoices, you can also enrich your administration with debtor information from Graydon. This will warn you if a debtor’s creditworthiness deteriorates. Graydon has a wealth of experience in providing business solutions to minimise risks and maximise opportunities. We achieve this by providing companies with specific business information.
The advantages of the link between Graydon and Payt
Creditworthiness changes on your dashboard
We inform you daily about changes in the creditworthiness of your business debtors. We do this via the dashboard so that you cannot miss it
Assessing prospects
To reduce the risk of doing business with a new customer that is not going to pay at the end of the process, we also offer comprehensive credit reports through Graydon. You have a clear document from an external party with which you can discuss, for example, special payment conditions
Contact details debtors
If you have not entered a Chamber of Commerce number of your debtors in your accounting package, it is possible that there are several options who your debtor is. In that case we will make the best possible suggestion on your debtor card. We will also make suggestions for name and phone numbers if Graydon has other information than your information
Add Graydon credit scores?
You can always request the extensive credit reports via the ‘Reports’ tab. You will immediately receive an extensive report in PDF. You can turn on Graydon credit scores under ‘Administration settings’ and then the ‘Modules’ tab. Here you can set up Graydon credit scores. We provide this service in Belgium, the Netherlands and the UK. Tell us if you are a customer in another country and would also like to use credit scores.
Whatever you make, whatever you deliver.
Customer stories
Quooker was looking for a 'total solution' for efficient accounts receivable management. The choice for Payt led to an unprecedented number of payments within a very short time.
Payt has just been amazing for Laura (credit controller at UHY). "And it's the people, that's what has made it. It is an automated system with people behind it". In this video you'll find out what that means.
Ready to get Payt? Try for free*
- Get paid 30% faster on average
- Follow up an invoice fully automatically and stay in complete control of the process
- Leave more time for the customer relationship
*Up to 250 invoices per month. More than 250 invoices?
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