
The benefits of the integration between Rsult and Payt

Automatic integration

An automatic integration between your Rsult file and Payt.

Personal contact

Easily exchange messages about outstanding invoices within the Payt platform.

Get paid faster and more easily

Automatic follow-ups, consistent communication, and many more features of Payt will result in better payment behavior from your debtors.

About Rsult

Rsult helps businesses grow by leveraging technology. The organisation delves into your business processes and works daily on solutions and (financial) processes that make sharing and transferring information easier. This provides you with greater insight into your business, enabling you to make better decisions and drive your company’s growth.

A selection of our customers who rely on Payt every day

"The entire invoicing process, from sending invoices to reminders to collections, is handled by Payt. The great thing is that even though the process is automated, you still have a lot of control over each step."

Jasper van Hattem Business Analyst


of the reminders are paid within 24 hours
"Payt is a one-stop-shop for credit management."

Thomas McDonagh Audit Director


aspects of cost reduction since we started using Payt

Curious about the possibilities of Payt?


Frequently asked questions about this integration

Certainly, that’s possible. We’d be happy to assist you. Schedule an online demo with our advisor here.

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