Better paid with smart debtor management at Kien

Stories from our customers January 2, 2021

Koen van Rantwijk, finance manager at Kien Groep, is speaking. He is responsible for the credit management of both the car company and the leasing company. Kien Groep uses Carwise in combination with Payt for credit management. Additionally, AFAS Profit is used for the car company. Before Payt was implemented, invoices were sent digitally, but no platform was used for managing receivables.

More Overview and Structure

Our old credit management process worked reasonably well as long as there were no exceptions. So, with sending and reminding of invoices on account and reversals, we didn’t really have a problem. However, it depended on human action whether it was done consistently well. This sometimes fell short due to lack of time or changes in staffing. Now everything proceeds automatically, and we can focus on the exceptions. This way, we keep track of the payment of all invoices. To be successful in the leasing market, you have to be very sharp on payment arrears. Actually, the first missed term is already a reason for alertness. Payt helps in the structural follow-up and communication with the customer. Because Payt handles the first invoice sending, everything is immediately in one file.

Making Progress with Credit Management

A feature within Payt that is currently being used a lot is recording payment agreements. In the past, we didn’t really have a good system for this and did it in a makeshift way with calendar notes. Now agreements are clearly recorded, communicated, and followed up. This greatly helps in maintaining an overview. As a leasing company, financial risks are part of our economic function, so you must not lose sight of them.

Customers also appreciate the portal where they can view all outstanding invoices without creating an account or logging in. Especially in combination with the payment links, this provides a lot of payment convenience for individuals and small entrepreneurs. So, from Finance, we also deliver a better service to our customers.

In short, we are very satisfied with Payt and would definitely recommend it to colleagues in the automotive industry. Especially now that the integration with Carwise is functioning optimally, the implementation is very straightforward and you can really make progress with your debtor process.

By Stories from our customers

Together with our customers, we make sure that Payt gets better every day. Read on to find out how our customers experience using Payt.

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