If you're looking for a workplace with an excellent work environment, learning opportunities, and fantastic colleagues, then Payt Software is definitely worth considering - Ivan Malykh, Developer

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The past five years I’ve had the pleasure of working at Payt Software, a company that has provided me with valuable experiences and opportunities. From fun parties and trips with colleagues to witnessing the company grow from 20 to about 40 people, it’s truly been a remarkable journey.

One of the highlights of my time at Payt Software has been the amazing team outings we’ve had. We’ve embarked on various exciting trips, including a long weekend in Lapland, where we rode dog sleds, saw the Northern Lights, and indulged in Swedish cuisine. Thanks to these outings, I’ve not only been able to explore new places but also forge meaningful connections with my colleagues, enhancing the work environment.

Interestingly, before joining Payt, I had applied for the same position but ultimately chose a safer employer. Looking back, I couldn’t be happier with my decision to join the Payt team. The company has grown significantly in just five years. It’s incredible to be part of the company’s growth and contribute to its success.

One of the most remarkable aspects of working at Payt is the fantastic work atmosphere. The company fosters a supportive and collaborative environment where everyone is encouraged to contribute their ideas and work together to achieve the company’s goals. The learning opportunities are also immense. I’ve been able to acquire new skills and knowledge through various training programs and workshops.

Moreover, my colleagues are fantastic. They’re friendly, helpful, and always willing to lend a hand when needed. The teamwork and camaraderie among the staff are commendable, and it’s truly a pleasure to come to work every day and be part of such a remarkable team.

All in all, my time at Payt has been an enriching experience. I’m grateful for the opportunities and experiences I’ve had and look forward to what the future holds for me and the company. If you’re looking for a workplace with an excellent work environment, learning opportunities, and fantastic colleagues, then Payt Software is definitely worth considering.

Created with ChatGPT, translated by DeepL, and corrected by the author.
The result fully represents Ivan’s personal experience and feeling.

Ivan Malykh
Written by Ivan Malykh LinkedIn profile
Ivan is an engineer at Payt. His focus goes mainly to the frontend team, however backend gets his attention as well. Ivan is willing to become better at technical writing, so let him know if you have any feedback.

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