Super streamlined accounts receivable management through automation at Voys

Stories from our customers February 3, 2018
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With thanks to Payt, our debtor management is extremely well-organized. Sorry for my choice of words, but I'm just really happy with Payt.

Janneke van der Velde works at the ‘Audit Office’ of Voys; the financial department of one of the fastest-growing companies in Groningen.

She is very pleased with the structured workflow that Payt has implemented within her organization. “When you send over 10,000 invoices per month, you definitely want to automate that process. It’s nice when you can rely on a partner who thinks along with you. The Payt team is ready from the start whenever we have questions or requests. Even if you don’t handle it perfectly yourself, they remain patient and continue to think along with you.”

Develop yourself or buy smartly

Voys is making significant progress. Year after year, the Groningen-based telecom provider shows enormous growth, and this increase continues.

Every year, our customer base grows. Before we started working with Payt, we managed our accounts receivable manually. That process wasn't running smoothly in several areas, so we looked into how we could improve it." At the time, Voys was still a true tech start-up: "We found it quite normal to develop our own software for the problems we encountered. Fortunately, Payt had already invented the 'accounts receivable management wheel' for us.

Trust the Software

The clientele of Voys consists of both large and small companies. In the latter group, consisting of freelancers or start-ups with a few employees, it sometimes happens that there is no money in the bank when Voys collects the phone bill. “That can happen,” says Janneke. “The nice thing about Payt is that the invoice doesn’t remain unpaid for weeks in such a case, but the Payt software detects that the direct debit has failed. If the customer doesn’t realize that the payment has failed and doesn’t manually complete the payment, an email is automatically sent to the respective customer via Payt after two days – fully in our house style. This email contains an iDEAL link, allowing the customer to still pay the invoice. The nice thing is that when a customer uses that iDEAL link, the debtor and invoice numbers are directly included in the transfer. This means we have no additional work; our accounting program immediately recognizes the iDEAL payment and records it under the correct details.”

Automating the Debtor Process

Payt works best if you just let the software do its job, according to Janneke. “Once the process is running, you don’t have to worry about it anymore. You can manually stop or pause the process, but we only do that in exceptional cases. At the start of the collaboration, we determined the process together with the people from Payt: after how many days should the reminders be sent out and what exactly should be included in that correspondence? At Voys, we literally have our own ‘tone of voice’. It’s nice that we can continue that style in the administrative communication with our customers.”

Although the correspondence from Voys is always friendly and informal, the tone in the reminder process becomes a bit more assertive. “In the last reminder, we clearly state that if the customer does not pay, we will start a collection process. We indicate: “Pay your invoice now, otherwise we will be forced to charge collection costs, and that would be a waste of your money.”

If an invoice is not paid, the debtor process automatically transitions into Payt’s collection process. This process meets all legal requirements, allowing Voys to transfer the amicable collection file to a bailiff with the push of a button if the customer still hasn’t paid the invoice after the collection process.

The fact that we start very few collection processes annually indicates that Payt's debtor management simply works.

Data driven

In addition to the structured workflow, Van der Velde is enthusiastic about the management reports she can generate through Payt. “At Voys, we base many of our decisions on data. The ability to generate statistics helps me in meetings with my colleagues. I can see at a glance the status of our invoices and explain the challenges we face.”

It is clear; the Audit Office of Voys is pleased with Payt’s debtor software.

Through Payt, you can address customers with much more confidence. People can make mistakes, but the software does not. If a customer claims they have not received an invoice or reminder, we can check that immediately. Moreover, a customer always has access to their own file via the Payt customer portal. This way, we no longer have to chase our debtors, and we can manage debtor administration in about 20 hours a week. Easy peasy!

By Stories from our customers

Together with our customers, we make sure that Payt gets better every day. Read on to find out how our customers experience using Payt.

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