Use FinTech for a better cash flow and customer relationship – 5 opportunities

Sander Kamstra June 17, 2020

With the latest FinTech, you work on automated accounts receivable management, resulting in faster payments. At the same time, it also ensures a better customer relationship, thanks to the time you save. With these 5 opportunities, you can use FinTech for better cash flow and an improved customer relationship.

  1. Lower the barrier to payment with various payment options

    You make paying an invoice easier by adding various payment options, including an iDEAL link. The lower the threshold for payment, the faster and better your customers will pay. With Payt's smart debtor software, you can easily add iDEAL links and other payment options.

  2. Preserve time for special cases through automation.

    Automated accounts receivable management ensures that you need to spend less time on the invoicing and follow-up process. This leaves you with more time; time that you can spend on customers who need extra attention or overdue payments. This definitely benefits the customer relationship!

  3. See the invoice as a customer contact moment

    At every customer contact moment, there is an opportunity to improve the customer experience. This also applies to the invoice! For example, consider engaging in a dialogue with your customer about the invoice. In Payt's software, you and your customers can leave comments on each invoice. This way, you stay in conversation about delivered products and services and keep a finger on the pulse even in this phase.

  4. Keep control, even in the debt collection process

    Do you have trouble completing the file in a debt collection process or is there consistently missing information? That makes a good debt collection process difficult. With FinTech, you can keep all communication about invoices and payments simple and efficient. In the Payt software, you start a debt collection process where you have control and can maintain the customer relationship.

  5. Stay in the spotlight with an automated, consistent process

    How many customers do you know whose invoices end up 'somewhere in a pile'? With the automation of your accounts receivable management, you design a consistent process for payments. From sending invoices to reminders, from dialogue about an invoice to initiating a payment plan or collection process. This creates new opportunities to stay on your customer's radar and receive payments faster.


By Sander Kamstra

Sander, director and co-founder of Payt, has brought innovation to the industry with his passion for software and entrepreneurship.

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