Payt developed a tool for which there is demand in the market.

Sander Kamstra February 8, 2016

In recent years, the team at Payt has had the pleasure of welcoming many wonderful clients. One of those clients is Phidra Accountants & Advisors. A company that understands that automating the debtor process not only results in a huge time saving but also in more efficient and effective debtor management. Owner and director Bob Jong strongly believes in the power and added value of cloud solutions, which is one of the reasons he chose Payt’s solution.

About Phidra

Phidra Accountants & Advisors is an accountancy firm with offices in Alkmaar and Haarlem. A company that strives to make things as easy as possible for its clients. “As straightforward as possible, serving our clients as broadly as possible, that is what we do,” says Bob Jong. The accountants and advisors at Phidra offer – just like the larger accountancy firms in the Netherlands – very high-quality services and expert advice. The big difference lies in the approach: Phidra prioritises the local, Dutch client. A company that does not focus on the international market but serves the Dutch entrepreneur in the SME sector as well and as broadly as possible. Phidra Accountants & Advisors believes that this can only be achieved when you, as an accountant, understand what concerns the SME entrepreneur. Insight into current figures and events is of great importance, as is direct and quick communication.

Fully in the Cloud

The accountants and advisors at Phidra want to be able to view the client’s current figures at any time and respond to what is happening with the client. Cloud services ensure that both client and accountant have insight into the figures, allowing for effective discussions about the financial developments of the organisation. Phidra works, among other things, with Twinfield, a cloud-based accounting package that integrates with Payt’s services. “That’s how we came into contact with Payt,” says Jong. “We were looking for a tool to automate the debtor management and reminders of our own organisation. We were still doing this manually; far too error-prone and labour-intensive. We were looking for a suitable solution to automate our debtor management and better monitor the status of invoices. Through Twinfield, we got in touch with Payt. These guys have developed a service that is in demand in the market.”

Payt for Phidra’s Clients

Jong is so enthusiastic about Payt’s services that he is also going to roll out the tool for his clients: “We regularly get asked if we can handle the invoicing and reminder process for clients. With Payt’s services, this becomes much easier. The user-friendliness of the platform plays a major role in this. Everyone can work with Payt’s software, and its implementation is literally ‘plug & play’. This means you can also save on personnel costs with Payt: you don’t need expensive professionals for the debtor management software. In principle, any employee can work with the software. And if something is unclear? Payt’s helpdesk is easily accessible and always willing to help.”

Whether the client uses Twinfield, Exact online, or WeFact; Payt integrates with many packages. According to Jong, an absolute plus: “I believe you should do what you are good at; you shouldn’t want to do everything. The strength lies in being good at your part of the process. Payt specialises very specifically in debtor management but also ensures that the package is easily integrated with cloud services that provide for other parts of the administrative process. Payt is also growing rapidly, so you know they are doing something right.”

Payt for Your Organisation

Would you like to know what Payt can do for your organisation? Feel free to contact us. We would be happy to visit you for a cup of coffee and a good conversation.


By Sander Kamstra

Sander, director and co-founder of Payt, has brought innovation to the industry with his passion for software and entrepreneurship.

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