
In this overview you will find all our wikipages
What is Cash Pooling?
In companies with multiple subsidiaries, such as branches in different countries, obtaining real-time visibility into current liquid assets can be challenging. Cash pooling, as part of efficient cash flow management, provides an ideal solution for this. Cash pooling involves consolidating all liquid assets into a single account.
Illustration of a jar with money
What is credit management?
On this wiki page we will inform about the concept of credit management. What is the difference between debtor management and credit management? And why is it smart to outsource your credit management?
What is Days Payable Outstanding (DPO)?
What is Days Payable Outstanding (DPO)? Is a high or a low DPO good? We will explain it to you on this page.
What is equity?
The equity of a company relates to the total value of assets. This includes assets such as machinery, stock, inventory, and cash. Within the category of a company's capital, various types of equity can be distinguished. These include equity and debt. Debt can further be categorised into short-term debt and long-term debt.
What is the current ratio and how is it calculated?
The current ratio is a measure to gain insight into the liquidity of the company. The purpose of this liquidity ratio is to determine whether current financial obligations can be met in the short term. It involves the ratio between current assets plus cash and short-term liabilities.
What is the discount rate?
What is the discount rate? Why calculate the discount rate? We will explain it to you on this page.
What is the legal payment term of an invoice?
There are various rules regarding payment terms. As a company, it is important to know which rules apply to which situation. In this wiki we will give you a solid basis for optimal accounts receivable management.
What is the legal reserve?
The legal reserve is part of a company's equity that cannot be distributed to shareholders or used to offset any losses, for example. It is legally mandated that companies with an Ltd. or a public limited company legal form must maintain the legal reserve.
When are you allowed to charge statutory interest?
In the case of non-payment or late payment of invoices by debtors, there is the possibility of charging statutory interest. There is a distinction in the amount of statutory interest between companies/government agencies and consumers. Efficient debtor management aims to prevent debtor default and is an essential part of business operations for cash flow purposes.
What is factoring?
On this wiki page we will inform about the concept of factoring. What is traditional factoring? What are the advantages and disadvantages? And what is the difference with modern factoring?