The software from Payt is suitable for companies and organizations in various sectors. Whether in the private or public sector, wherever payments are made, Payt ensures significant savings.
This diversity in sectors is reflected in our client portfolio, which includes webshops, accounting firms, and telecom providers, but also schools, wholesalers, and companies in the logistics sector. In the latter sector, TFF & Logistics is active: a pioneering company that transports goods by air, water, and road.
TFF & Logistics B.V.
Based in Heerenveen, Friesland, TFF & Logistics B.V. was established in early 2015 by Martijn Schadenberg and Barry Boekema. The two believed it was high time for an innovation in the logistics sector and built an advanced booking system that allows customers to compare quotes from different transport providers. The customer can choose the most favorable shipping time and/or the best price. Once booked, the entire process—from labels and pick-up to delivery at the destination—runs automatically; the customer no longer has to worry about it. This can involve small and large shipments, shipments from the Netherlands to abroad and vice versa, but also shipments between two other countries, such as between China and America. This so-called ‘third country service’ is a unique service in the logistics sector that not everyone can offer. This makes TFF & Logistics a distinctive and unique player in the market.
Because the company purchases on a large scale from established transporters like DHL, UPS, and MSC, as well as from smaller market players, it can secure a significant advantage for SMEs wanting to transport their goods from A to B. “We pass that advantage on to our customers. TFF & Logistics ships everything—from small shipments, such as important papers and documents, to full containers. Organizations can save enormously on their transport costs through our system. Savings of 30 to 40% and sometimes even more are quite common,” Martijn proudly explains.
Payt for TFF
Although Martijn and Barry started just a year ago, the team now consists of five people. And anyone who thinks there is at least one administrative employee among them is mistaken. When TFF’s administration increased, Martijn sought an innovative software tool to smartly organize the accounts receivable management of his organization. He found the solution in Payt. Martijn says, “We were still doing the administration entirely ourselves and manually. At a certain point, it became too much, and too much was left undone. Then I thought: ‘if we are capable of building a smart booking system for the transport sector, then surely there is a party that has done the same for an organization’s accounts receivable process.’ Through our IT guy, we ended up with Payt.” Martijn immediately agrees that Payt can bring about a significant change within your organization: “We noticed that we hardly sent reminder invoices. Simply because we didn’t have the time. Then such things are left undone, and well, the payment behavior of customers doesn’t improve, of course.”
Schadenberg notes that since TFF & Logistics started using Payt, invoices are paid faster. “Some organizations routinely wait to pay until they receive a reminder. If they don’t get one, they don’t pay either. Unfortunately, that’s how it works. We still see companies that only pay after receiving the reminder invoice, but at least that reminder now comes much faster, thanks to Payt’s software. Payt has not only automated but also structured our organization’s accounts receivable management. As a result, invoices are paid faster, and our administration has become much more professional in one fell swoop. This is also due to the easy communication options built into the platform. We can quickly and easily communicate with our customers about outstanding invoices at the invoice level.”